Top Businesses
20 Most Profitable Home Business Ideas in Nigeria

Are living in Nigeria? You are a housewife or you are just someone who has to stay at home for one reason or another other and you want to keep yourself busy while you are at home? You are thinking of some home business ideas in Nigeria?
You have some capital aside that you have saved for some time and you are thinking of a home-based business idea in Nigeria or business ideas for housewives in Nigeria that will turn out to be successful and profitable?
After reading these top 20 home business ideas I am about to share with you will be able to choose the home business that you know will work for you and know the right one for you. When it comes to starting a home business whether small, medium, or large business in a place like Nigeria, it is not just about satisfying people or consumers’ needs.
There are other things (factors) you need to look out for to make sure the home business is successful in the long run and starts making profits in the short run.
What is a Home-Based Business?
Is it a business idea that demands your time or is it a business idea that can stand alone and probably not needing your attention? Is it a business idea that demands capital or is it a business idea that can be started without capital? Is it a business of buying and selling or it is a business of services?
All these factors will give you a head start especially as a newbie in the business world.
Why you should Start a Home Business?
There are different reasons why more business ideas you can start from home are coming up. Here are some well-known reasons.
A. Low Expenses
Yes, it is cheaper. A home business idea (a business from home in Nigeria) you do not need to pay for shop rent or space and do not need to incur any extra expenses on utilities like power, water, waste, and more. When you have your business at home you pay 2 bills for one.
B. High Supervision
This is another advantage of having your home business (a business from home) in your place of residence. It makes it easy for you to monitor your workers and keep an eye on your business in general.
C. Reduces Transportation
When your business is from home, it removes the cost of transportation of moving every day to your place of business and returning home.
D. Saves Time
Having a business idea you can also run from home also saves time. As your family and work are in one place you do not need to move around much you just need to switch to work when it is time to work. There are many more advantages of having your business at home as this varies to different individuals but we will leave it at this here.
In this list, we have some home business ideas you can start in Nigeria that require small capital and you will also see some home business ideas in Nigeria that do not require capital to start. Are you ready? Here are the top home business ideas in Nigeria currently.
Most Profitable Home Business Ideas in Nigeria
Here are top home-based business ideas in Nigeria you can start today.
1. Provision Business
Provision store business is a home business idea in Nigeria for men and women because you can start at home if you have a spare space or shop in your house. You do not need to rent a shop for this business as even the money you will need to rent a shop is enough to start the business.
All you need to start this home business is a place set aside in your home, capital, discipline, and the ability to advertise with word of mouth – telling your neighbors and those on the street what you sell. And asides from this you will need to set one day apart to always go to the market to replace provisions you have sold.
But to make the home business move fast you can start by buying provisions that people use if not every day at least once a week.
Some of these provisions could be:
1. Soaps and detergents
2. Kinds of toothpaste
3. Sponges
4. Sugar
5. Milk (tin and sachet)
6. Tea
7. Biscuits
8. Sweets
9. Soft drinks and pure water
and more.
To start a home-based business like a provisions store business you will need at least a capital of #40,000 – #150,000. This kind of home business is good for you if you want to make money every day – daily income. Read our post on how to start provision store business in Nigeria
2. Daycare Business
This is another home business idea in Nigeria, especially for women and mothers. School or daycare business is another home business you can start from home if you have a big parlor or perhaps you have an extra room in your house. This kind of home business is very common in Lagos here and any urban state in Nigeria and the best part of it is that you do not need to spend too much capital to start.
All you need to do is spend money on buying toys and other educational materials and you can start right away. But before you really go into the home business look at your area very well and make sure there is really a need for the school before you go ahead.
Maybe your area is an estate and there are many working-class wives or in the area, you stay the schools around charge too much for such services you can then come into the business with reduced rates. Also in daycare or preschool business you must be very good with children and must be able to take care of their needs.
You can start by taking care of the children all by yourself and as more children come in you can employ someone more experienced to you to help you with the majority of the work. Depending on the area you stay in Nigeria you can charge a monthly fee of #10,000 – #50,000 per child for school fees.
Read our guide on how to start a daycare center in Nigeria for a detailed guide on this business.
3. Private Tutor Business
One of the home business ideas in Nigeria for all Nigerians. My mother did this home-based business as a side business when she was a teacher and it really paid off. In fact, it paid off to the extent that at some point she was really considering leaving her paid employment to really focus on the tutoring business alone.
She had space then in our compound and had about 20+ children that come Mondays – Fridays for lessons the funny thing is she started with just one pupil and the population continued to increase as the testimonies went around the street on her teaching capabilities.
Private tutor business is a home business that will never fail you if you are a teacher and you have teaching experience. All you need to start the home business is to convince a parent that you can improve his or her child’s knowledge. When you are able to do this and they truly see this improvement they will advertise to their friends how good you are and the rest will be history.
For your tutor business, you can charge a fee #20,000 – #40,000 per child, and as time goes by increase your fees. Read our guide on how to start a tutorial center in Nigeria.
4. Pure Water and Soft Drinks Business
Another one of the home businesses in Nigeria for Nigerians who have little capital to start a business. The sales of cold drinks and ice block is another home business (home business ideas in Nigeria) you can try especially if you have a stable power supply in your area or at least you have other options when it comes to electricity.
Nigerians love cold drinks and they use it as a form of relaxation after the day’s work. It cools and refreshes them any time they drink them. Asides from this they also buy drinks for celebrations of one thing or the other. This is why this home business is good business. Read our article on how to start soft drinks business in Nigeria.
5. Rental Business
This is a service-rendering business but also one of the most profitable home businesses in Nigeria. Nigerians and their owambe, the days they are not celebrating their birthdays they are celebrating their wedding anniversary or having a naming ceremony. This is where the rental services business comes in place.
All you need to start this home business is to buy plastic tables, chairs, canopies, and a sign advertising your rental services to people in your area. And when they want to do their ceremonies they will come and rent chairs and tables from you. The profits in this business are not made every day but it can be made weekly or monthly depending on how often people do parties in your area.
On how many chairs, tables, and canopies you need to start you can start small with 24 chairs, 12 tables, and 1 canopy and as time goes by in the business buy more party equipment. Rental services businesses do not have to be restricted to renting out chairs, tables, and canopies.
You can also go into renting other party equipment like speakers, generators, cooking equipment. Read our article on how to start rental business in Nigeria.
6. Egg Distribution Business
Egg business is a lucrative business idea you can start from home in Nigeria. All you need to start this home business is capital and a safe place in your home to keep the eggs. You can go into the home business as a distributor or a retailer this depends on the capital you have available to start the home business.
If you are a distributor in the egg distribution business you can start by selling to other shops in your area and if you are a retailer you can start by selling in smaller quantities (per crates) to your neighbors and families. You can start a home-based egg distribution business with #10,000 as capital.
Read our article on how to start egg supply business in Nigeria for a detailed guide on this.
7. Recharge Card Business
A home business idea in Nigeria that provides goods to phone owners in Nigeria. Although the profits in airtime business are not much airtime business in Nigeria, the recharge card business is still a good business for women or men that do not have space in their rooms and still want to sell something from their homes.
This is one home business idea in Nigeria with low capital that yields daily income. Read how to start recharge card printing business in Nigeria.
8. Website Design Business
Website designing and maintenance is another service rendering business in Nigeria you can start from home and make cool money if you already have experience with designing websites. All you need to start the home business is a stable power supply and data. When you are able to get a customer in need a website and you are able to do a good job.
They will introduce their friends and acquaintances who also need your services to you. To make people able to locate you online build a profile website about what you do and run some ads on social media.
Read our guide on how to become a web designer in Nigeria.
9. Poultry Business
Do you have space in your compound? Are passionate about keeping or taking care of animals? This is another home business idea for you. You can turn this hobby into a business by starting a poultry business in Nigeria from your home.
All you need to start this home business is a capital that will cover the building of a shelter for your birds, their feeds, and how many birds you will buy for a start.
You can buy broilers, layers, or even turkeys depending on the demands of your area in starting your poultry business. Read our article on how to start poultry farming in Nigeria for more information.
10. Plantain Chips Production
Can you cook? Do you know how to make some snacks? If so plantain chips business is another business you can start from your home. All you need are marketers that will be selling them for you in traffic after you have produced them. To start a plantain chips business in Nigeria you need to buy your cooking equipment, packaging nylons, and plantain (ripe and unripe).
Plantain chips production business is a home business idea in Nigeria for people that love cooking. Read our post on how to start plantain chips business in Nigeria.
11. Laundry Services
Laundry or dry-cleaning service business is a home business for stay-at-home mums or for students who want to start a business with low capital. For a home business like this, you might not need to spend any money to start as far as you have all that is needed in your home.
All you need is just to inform your neighbors at home or in your area about your laundry business giving them discounts alongside and they will patronize you.
12. Tailoring Business
Tailoring business is a home business idea in Nigeria for tailors. If you know how to sew clothes of different designs and you know how to make it look good on people you do not need to rent a shop before you can start your tailoring business. You can start your tailoring business from home.
This another home business in Nigeria – reducing all expenses you are likely going to incur from renting a shop and increasing your profits. As for how you will get customers you can advertise your business online on social media and Jiji. Distance should not be a barrier as you can use delivery services to deliver these clothes once you are done sewing them.
13. Clothing Business
This is a home business idea in Nigeria for Nigerians that just want to go into buying and selling. The clothing business has always been a lucrative business in Nigeria because everybody wears cloth whether it is a designer or not. You can start a clothing business by just buying your clothes and keeping them at home then using online advertisements to attract customers to buy from you.
When there are orders and your customers are far you can use delivery services to deliver to clothes and if they are your neighbors you can deliver the clothes yourself. There are different clothing businesses you can go into depending on which clothing business you are familiar with and how much you have as capital.
You can do Ankara business, shirt business, lace business, Okrika business also known as second-hand clothes business, and more. You just need to choose.
14. Fish Farming Business
Fish Farming business is another home business idea in Nigeria if you have space to rear fish. To start this home business all you need is good capital that will cover the buying of tanks, fingerlings, fish feed, and more. You also need to have a quality source of water.
This could be a borehole or well. Fish Farming in Nigeria requires a bit of experience before starting in order not to encounter a huge loss. So you might need to learn first from people already into the home business before venturing to start yours. After rearing your catfish into adulthood you can smoke them and sell them as smoked fish to the market.
15. Professional Blogging
A few years ago when I started this blog I started it from my sitting room with an idea in mind and I have never looked back since then. Today, the blog is monetized and I have started making some money off it in many ways. This is a blog business for you.
Although it is one of the online businesses in Nigeria that take time before you can start making money off it, it is still a good business for you if you know how to write and are passionate about impacting people. Asides from making money from Blogging via AdSense and the likes you can also make money online through the sales of ebooks on your blog.
All you need to do is to write ebooks on topics Nigerians really want to read and you will start making money as soon as possible. Blogging is a good home business if you are techy. Read our article on how to start a lifestyle blog in Nigeria.
16. Start a YouTube Channel
This is a home business idea for Nigerians that want to have their business online from home. Starting a YouTube channel is a good home business if you are good at talking to the camera or making presentations. To start this business all you need is a camera or phone with a good camera and a good background in your home.
Asides this, you also need to know how to edit videos. Once you are done with all this you can start making videos and uploading them to YouTube. And the moment your subscribers reach 1000 you can start making money from your YouTube channel through AdSense and affiliate marketing.
17. Information Marketing
One of the home business ideas in Nigeria for Nigerians that are well informed and want to make money from their information. This business is good if you already have an audience online or offline. You can make money by writing ebooks, blog post, podcast, and videos. You can learn how to start an information marketing business here
18. Liquid Soap Production
Liquid soap production is another home business idea that is profitable as a business because as we all know everyone uses liquid soaps in their homes to wash their plates and do general cleaning. The only hard part in this business is that you need to learn how to make the soap first before you can be able to produce it from the comfort of your home.
But after learning you can start the soap business with #50,000. This capital will buy the soap ingredients and will also buy the major equipment needed to be making your soap from home. After producing the liquid soap you can market and sell them in front of your house. Read our article on how to start liquid soap business in Nigeria.
19. Car Wash Business
This kind of business is for homeowners in Nigeria. Probably you have a house that is spacious outside and faces the main road you can start a car wash business. All you need to start the home business is a little capital to buy soaps, sponges, and bowls. Read our guide on how to start a car wash business in Nigeria.
20. Consulting Business
Are you good at a particular subject – marriage, business, health, exercise? You can start a consulting business in Nigeria from your home. Just start first by offering good services and giving good solutions to people’s problems and you will see that they will pay any amount for your consulting services.
There are many consultants who do not have a proper office for their consulting firms yet they are doing extremely well. You just need to be good at what you do. Read our post on how to start consulting business in Nigeria.
21. Real Estate Business
Are you a house owner or do you own land in Nigeria? You can make money from your house or land by putting your rooms on to let or leasing your land to Nigerians. This money can be in millions depending on the property and how much it is worth. This kind of home business is for Nigerians that want to make money without working. Here is our guide on how to start real estate business in Nigeria.
That’s all in this article. As usual, let me know if I missed any part of this article. Also, let me know if there are topics you want me to write about on the blog or talk about on our YouTube Channel or maybe our podcast. Do well by following us on all our social media platforms, listen to our podcast, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. We have awesome content there too.
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