How to Make Money with Your Talent in Nigeria

It is always said “The gift of a man will make way for him” but this is not always through especially for those who do not know how to monetize their talent. As easy as it is monetizing talents, most youths still find it impossible to make money from what they love to do and those that are making money are being underpaid.
You see there is a huge difference between having a talent and knowing how to use it to fetch money but I guess you have realized this that is why you’re reading this post. Do not worry the solution is here in this compiled post. Do not beat yourself over this. It is something that can change from today and forever because I am going to open your eyes to a few things you’ve seen before.
How to Discover Your Talent
Talent is inborn. It is something that comes naturally that’s why you do not think too much to make it happen (but it can also be learned as long as you have an interest). And as for learning how to make money from it; you have to learn. This is the major reason we need others especially those who have found their way around this and become world-famous in their fields.
The others I am talking about here are mentors and the medium they use like blogs (to teach) and social media (to connect) and also one on one counsel. As for the mentorship under TheInfoWorth blog, that will be starting when our target audience increases and becomes a community.
Now, how can you make money from your talent? It first starts with patience. Yes, little drops of water make can make might a river they say. So I am giving you this advice for free – take your time and do not compare yourself with other players. Your time will come. In fact, your time is now.
You just need to focus on yourself and know what you want from life. Now that we have established this, let’s move to “How to make money from your talent in Nigeria”.
How to Make Money with Your Talent in Nigeria
Here are steps to make money from your talents in Nigeria.
1. Work on Yourself to Stand Out
Yes, if you really want to start making money from what you love to do; you need to start doing everything to stand out from the rest (others with the same talent as you) and the only way you can do this is to practice more, watch Youtube videos, attend seminars, and training.
I am not surprised C. Ronaldo is where he is today because according to his biography, he spent most of his time on the pitch than outside the pitch (during the early days of his carrier). He knew success doesn’t come by luck but by hard work and focus. So practice all day and night.
Make sure there’s no new technique, move, or method you don’t know about that talent you are exploring. So that by the time you finally come out to show the world what you have you are going to come out big.
The great pop legend like Michael Jackson also stood out (from other performing artists) because of the huge time he invested in being a better version of the regular American artist. Spend extra hours burning the midnight oil. If you practice 2 hours every day increase it to 5 hours, and if you are already there step it up to 7 hours.
Point of Emphasis: The difference between an average footballer and a professional football player is the time they put into practice. Understand this first step and you’re on your way to wealth.
2. Add Branding to your Talent
I have seen people rise from nothing to something just by branding themselves. Branding is very powerful. It is a powerful tool in the hands of someone who has exceptional talent. However, whether your gift is unique or not you still need to brand yourself.
You can make so much money from the furniture you produce or as a pop singer, dancer, or chef just by branding yourself. This single step if done well can take you from some who just have an idea to someone that actually knows what he is doing.
And the most amazing part about this step is that you can do this for free (bypassing the heavily paid branding experts in your area) if you know the right sources (where to go). The internet is also there, find out blogs that specialize in branding, and follow them.
When you do this consistently few months you will have an idea of what branding is all about and you will be able to brand yourself. I personally follow
3. Offer Free Services
Now that you have worked on yourself to stand out and built yourself a brand, it’s time to go all out and offer trial services. You might say, why should I offer free services? I have worked hard and spent my hard-earned money to get where I am. Well, I understand. But you see it is in doing this that you showcase to the world how good you are and get what you want in return – money.
So put yourself out there and put your ears on the ground to know those who want you – companies, churches, clubs, brands, and so on. And tell them how much you usually charge for what you do but however tell them you’re willing to offer trial services just for them to see how exceptional you are.
If you’re a keyboardist tell the band that you want to play for what you usually charge but then tell them you’re willing to offer a trial service. This method is for them not to price you down but to make them pay you whatever you ask for. This marketing technique has worked for producing companies like Windows and servicing companies and it sure works in cases like this because I have tried it before.
So do not look down on this tool. As I said earlier producers use it to launch their new products.
4. Start Charging on Demand
At the end of the third step, you should have started making good money but there’s one final thing you need to do. And that is charging on demand. At this stage, you need to increase your standards and charge more for your gift (yes, at this stage your talent is now a gift).
If your band pays you ₦100,000 to play the keyboard, there will be another band that can pay more if not double. So continue to charge more, ask for more and continue to work on yourself because to demand more money is to deliver more service.
Continue to do this and you being a millionaire with your gift is just a step further. If you are into music you can make money on social media apps like Facebook, YouTube, and other live-streaming platforms in Nigeria.
5. Invest Money made from Talent
There are many talented men that have gone back to the streets to beg, living in rags just because they ignored this rule – not investing the money they made into something more profitable. They thought the money was going to keep coming in and the riches will never dry out but unfortunately, it was not so.
So my best advice for you here is to invest some money you have made from your talent into something that would yield more returns. I want you to see this has to diversify your income. After doing this for a while it will also start making money for you and your riches will continue to grow.
6. Profitable Businesses to Invest Money
There are different ways you can invest the money you make from your talent. Some of these are:
A. Invest in Real Estate
This is my number 1 because anytime any day it yields income in millions (if done the right way). Read our article on real estate business in Nigeria: how to start with no money
B. Invest in Oil and Gas
This is another business you can venture into as time goes by. It is not a must for you to build a filling station in Nigeria to make money from this business. Just make sure you are running a business that deals with it. Check out how to start a filling station business in Nigeria.
C. Invest in Agriculture
Hunger is still on the increase in Nigeria and will still be for a long time because of our overpopulation and insufficient food supply. If you go into agriculture with proper planning to provide household foods you’ll also make huge returns in any money you invest.
In all this, do not forget to add humility and financial wisdom on how to make money with your talent steps will make you rich but these other two points (humility and wisdom) will keep you rich. Asides from all these, treat your talent as a business.
Do not do with it what you should not do in business and the sky will be your stepping stone. Have you used a method or an idea to make money from your talent?
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