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How to Start Photography Business in Nigeria: Detailed Guide

Are you thinking of starting a photography business in Nigeria? If you are this is for you. Photography business in Nigeria is one of the simplest businesses in Nigeria yet it can be very lucrative if you know one thing – your gut and you are smart. And before you know it, you’ll be smiling to the bank.
Another reason photography is a very good business here in Nigeria is you don’t need to break the bank before you start (very little capital is required). All you need for a start is a good camera and a camera flashlight. And in a few cases, if you do not have money for those you can use your phone – if it has a good camera.
I will mention some phone brands you can use for photography as I go through this article (just in case you need suggestions). Asides from a fabulous camera and a camera flashlight, you will also, need to read photography blogs like and others to teach you some photo tips. This sets you apart and makes you stand out from a roadside photographer.
Now, before I continue on this article, I must stress the fact that photography anywhere in the world and in a place like Nigeria is not like Yahoo Plus. It takes time before you become popular and rich with it but I can guarantee you that from the first day you go for a job, you’ll start making money.
Is Photography Business Profitable?
A photography business can be very lucrative if you know what you’re doing-especially in terms of branding in the photography business in Nigeria. Aside from this, the demand for it from celebrities and social media influencers has made the photography business even more profitable.
Nigerians need photographs to create memories for their weddings, graduation, naming ceremonies, and birthdays. They need digital photographers to take pictures, edit, and sometimes frame them. Photography has gone beyond taking pictures. There are editors who make good money just from editing pictures alone.
How much do Nigerian Photographers Charge?
I can not tell you there’s a fixed price for how much you charge customers and if there is it might not really work for you because you’re just starting out. All I will say is it depends on the location, your brand, who you’re shooting for, and how many shots you’re taking in that shoot.
But just in case you really want to know, the price can range from N500 – N5,000.
How to Start a Photography Business in Nigeria
What are the steps to start a photography business in Nigeria?
1. Buy a Digital Camera
When it comes to buying a perfect camera, everyone always seems to have a good thing to say about the camera they use for their photography business. You hear words like “Do not buy this one, buy that one” and many others. But if you look at it closely, there are criteria for choosing a camera for your photography business. And here are some criteria I have gathered.
A. Affordability of Camera
This includes how much you can afford to buy a camera. You can not say because someone you know uses a photography camera that cost 100,000 naira you must also buy such a camera especially if you have 50,000 naira as your budget. Come on, there are other cameras in the market that will give you the same standard as that person’s own at your own price – if you search and bargain well.
B. New or Tokunbo Camera
You also have to consider if it’s a new camera you want to go for or a tokunbo because they both have their benefits. For example, A tokunbo camera will help you kill the high cost of purchase. The camera you buy for 50,000 naira may really cost #100,000 naira if you are buying that same camera new.
While a new camera will give you a guarantee and warranty even though it is expensive and this helps you to use your camera well without fear. So they both have their benefits.
C. Indoor or Outdoor Camera
This is another criterion you must consider. If you are going to the more indoor shooting it’s preferable you buy an indoor camera but if you’re going to be doing more outdoor shooting, it is preferable you buy an outdoor camera. And in the future, you can buy them both – when you can afford it.
As for the markets, you can get these kinds of cameras, I will advise you to go to Computer Village Ikeja and Alaba International Market.
D. Brand of Camera
It’s advisable for you to also check the brand of the camera you are buying. I am not going to mention any brand here (make I no spoil anybody’s market) but I must say some brands are more trusted than others.
E. Year of Production of Camera
The Year of production is also very key in choosing your camera. Make sure you check the YOP on the camera you want to buy if it’s relevant to today’s photography. But I will again that the same camera can be old yet still bring out clarity in your photos than even some of today’s new cameras.
And if you are considering a phone instead for your photography business, here are some pointers.
2. Choose a Phone or Digital Camera
Go for a phone that brings out black beauty. From my little research done so far, I have realized there are phones that are not good enough for snapping black folks. While some make those of us who are darker, others make us appear like ghosts. So it’s better to test any phone camera before even buying it from the dealer shop.
But if you take my advice, I will say Samsung is still the best so far as regards photography (business) in Nigeria. iPhone is also good if you can afford it. But just make it before buying them and test them in light and darkness.
3. Practice your Photography Techniques
Reading and practicing what you have learned as regards photography is very important. There are many videos on YouTube on how to take killer shots, also there are articles on Google asides the blog I suggested earlier that can teach you photography. But from what I have noticed so far, the problem is not really reading or watching videos.
The problem is practicing what you have read or watched. That is why I really need to stress the 2 words “read and practice”. One of the ways you can make this stage easy for you is to practice what you have learned from these materials with your family and friends. Because really most of them are not going to complain, so you can snap them till you are exhausted.
But really after the shoot, you will need to get their comment on the shoots you have done so far. And how good it is because sometimes their advance – if they’re being honest can be one of the best advice so far.
4. Imitate other Pro Photographers
Sometimes, it looks like it is impossible to break this jinx because these professional photographers have been snapping for years but this doesn’t mean some of their work cannot be imitated. It’s all about doing your homework well. There are also YouTube videos on this as well if you search well.
Another benefit of imitating other photographers’ work is it gives people the opportunity to see you in a different light making you like a professional in your own way. These people can patronize you in the future because they now know you can do a professional job for them.
The most important thing about this step is it helps you understand other professional photographers’ work better and turn onlookers into potential customers.
5. Build your Photography Brand
Building a brand is very necessary for a photography business in Nigeria. In fact, I will say many of the big names in the industry today like TY Bello, Kelechi Amadi-Obi, Femi Odugbemi, Obi Somto, Deedee Photography, and the likes are big today because of the huge attention, they pay to their branding.
How do you brand your photography business? I will teach you the little I know about that now.
A. Colors: Decide colors you want to be associated with you. And another pointer here is it is not really about the colors you like but about colors, you want to be associated with you.
B. Logo: You also, have to decide on your photography logo as this gives an expression about you. Coca-Cola, LG, and Toyota pay huge attention to the logo that once people see them they already know it’s them without even seeing their brand name.
C. Choose a name for a brand: Choosing the name of your photography brand is very important.
Choosing a Name for Brand for Photography Business
Choose a simple and easy name: Names like Chukwunonso Onyekachi Photography are not because your customers will always battle with its pronunciation. Rather you can choose a short name like “Chi Photography” instead.
Use your name or at least part of it: There is a reason why it is called branding. Using your name makes people form a deeper connection with you.
6. Open an Instagram Account
This is because almost everyone is online these days. Another reason is it helps you advertise who you are to the world with just one click. And plus the fact that you can get uncountable customers there too. I have friends who use their Instagram accounts to attract people to their business – still trying to grow mine anyway.
7. Start a Photography Blog
It has been a long I have seen photography blogs but I must say Deedee’s Blog stands out not really because it is out of this world but because he is not doing what a regular photographer would do on a photography blog. Deedee’s blog is more or less like a relationship blog. So aside from the fact that he uploads good studio works on it, he writes on relationships too.
What a different perspective on owning a photography blog. And did I miss out on the fact that this blog also made him famous all over the world? Yes, this is another advantage of starting a photography blog.
8. Determine the Price for your Shots
At this point, you really have to start deciding what you will charge your customers when they start coming in for business. It won’t be good for you to look dumb when they start asking you “How much is this?” “How much is that?” This is where you need friends in the photography business to help you out if you have.
Call them up and ask them how much they charge then determine your level ground – for how much you’ll charge for yours.
9. Go for Photography GIGs
The GIGs I am talking about here are outings that will enlighten you and preferably make you more money. GIGs like concerts, seminars, and workshops on photography, and do not forget to meet people and tell them what you do. For all you know, all it just takes is to meet a celebrity who wants to do business with you then “bam” you’re rich.
When it comes to starting a photography business in Nigeria the important thing is to start. It does not matter whether you want to use your phone or you have a crappy camera. Just start! Then as time goes on you can start upgrading your equipment when you start making profits.
That is all I can share for now on making money from photography in Nigeria. Is there anything you feel I did not add or perhaps you have any question(s). Please direct them below to me. I will try my best to reply to you ASAP. Thanks.
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