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How to Make Money with Information Marketing in Nigeria



Online Business Ideas for Students in Nigeria

Are you thinking of starting an information marketing business in Nigeria? Do you want to know whether it is a lucrative business in Nigeria or not? This is an extensive article on how you can start this business and be successful. I really wished I started an information marketing business in Nigeria very early in life.

I will have been counting millions by now and be smiling to the bank but unfortunately, this is not so yet. I am a very intelligent man and I read a lot. I read almost anything I see as long as there’s something to learn. Even before the world of the internet came and swept me off my feet, I read storybooks, magazines, and newspapers. I asked a lot of questions (and I still do now).

My personality also played a huge role in this superpower I had.I remember back then when I was just a boy; I preferred staying at home and reading my butt off than going out with Mum. In fact, at some point, she literally had to force me out to feel the world around me but I just loved the comfort of my room (our apartment). Did I tell you about the fact that I was the only child?

Yes, I am the only child of my parent this also contributed to my journey about how information marketing started in my life. You might be reading this blog post and wondering if I am still on point. Yes, I am. We are still on track. Do not get it twisted. I just want to give you a sneak peek at how the journey began with me and possibly share some of the mistakes I made. Hopefully, you can learn from it.

Moving on! As I was saying, so many things that surrounded my back then turned me into a walking library. Being able to converse with adults became one of the easiest things I could do as I could understand their points, and questions, and suggest possible solutions or answers (advice) without knowing.

My Journey into Information Marketing but before I go into how my journey started.

Let’s quickly dive into the meaning of the information marketing business.

What is Information Marketing?

According to DIGITALPROSPERITY.COMInformation marketing is the process of creating, promoting, and selling digital products that help to solve a common problem within a specific niche or topic. For example, AkinAlabi – provides solutions to the corporate business world by writing books.

Akin Alabi according to Wikipedia started building wealth from the information business before he began NairaBET. But according to TheInfoWorth.com – Information marketing is simply the selling of information or ideas to those that need it and the main aim of information marketing is to solve a problem in a niche or sector.

Now let’s move on to how I started… The first person I gave a piece of advice was my mum and I think I was about 15 years old then when I did this. Although later told me the advice I gave her worked then but I never counted it as a big deal.

Since then, I have counseled people on relationships (married and single) even though I was not married and I have also counseled people in the business and corporate sector [without knowing]. It was only those that came back with a “thank you, your counsel worked” that encouraged me.

The step 2 journey started when I realized that there was more I could offer, more than I could do. I mean my mum enjoyed most of my business ideas but come on she’s not the only one in the world that needs my counsel. So my zeal skyrocketed when I realized this. And in 2016 I birthed TheInfoWorth.

If you are a regular reader of this blog you will have realized by now that it is devoted to men but somehow some of the content I share here are still read by women. This was happening secretly and I did not know. Even my Google Analytics was not showing this.

It only showed continents, countries, and the amount of traffic I receive on the blog until some of my lady friends told me they actually read and follow the blog. From then till now I have made a few boxes from information marketing here in Nigeria. But I feel I am not there yet as I am just scratching the surface.

Why Start Information Marketing Business?

Here are the reasons information marketing is a profitable business in Nigeria.

A. It is Less Competitive

Yes, Asides from the well-known minds in the business like Efe ImirenSunny Obazu OjeagbaseAkin Alabi, and a few others. You do not have competition (especially if you’re unique and you sell something totally different from the others.

B. People do not Read

Yes, asides from the fact that it is less competitive here in Nigeria another reason is that people don’t read, or let me just say – most people do not read. Every day I still people who ask me lame questions on the fact that they have internet and Google on their phones. And since you are able to dig well enough for answers, you can sell your information at any price you prefer.

C. People want to Learn

And I mean this. There are people who really want to learn especially if they know what they are looking for and what it’s worth. These people are your customers and they are waiting for you to share what you know with them in exchange for money.

Requirements to Start Information Marketing

Below are the qualifications when it comes to starting information marketing in Nigeria.

A. Knowledge and Skill

I usually say there’s a difference between knowing and having the ability to teach very well (that people understand easily). The first thing that qualifies you in this business is that you know how to do either of these 3 well – with ease.

B. You are a reader

Please don’t even go into this business if you do not like reading. If you read my introduction to this article well you will realize I talked about reading a lot. Yes, this is important as a river that is dry cannot give water to a village (if you understand what I mean).

C. You have success on the little

Referring to my introduction again you will also remember I talked about receiving testimonies and even stressing the fact that some of these successes birthed the blog TheInfoWorth. So yes, you have to testimonies. What I call proof.

How to Make Money with Information Marketing in Nigeria

Here are steps on how to start an information marketing business in Nigeria.

1. Write and Publish an E-book

Yes, I decided not to mention the paper book here because the process of doing that takes donkey years (from writing to editing to copyright bla bla bla) but if you can do that also, no problem. Here you need to write an e-book on a topic no one has touched on or talked about before (the aim of this is to solve a problem and give profound and practicable solutions).

This is where research comes into play and hard work because talent is not enough. Do not just write. Think well! By asking some questions or asking people some questions to know what Nigerians really want to read you can even do a survey too. Put your heart and soul into this book so that it will sell out.

You should read my post on – making money from your talent with 4 steps for more guides on this. Popular markets/agents that can help you sell your e-book are AmazonKonga, ejuncky, and so on. Read our guide on How to make money selling ebooks in Nigeria.

2. Start a Seminar or Workshop

As I said earlier, this should also be done with the sole purpose of solving a problem by providing quality information and I would not suggest you start your seminars/workshops for free just on the basis of attracting customers.

When you are able to attract a good amount of clients you can now start charging for your services or I will suggest you start by asking for a token but then again – this is my suggestion. You can read my post on – Starting a business in Nigeria with little cost for more guidance on this or you can do a more extensive read about this outside the blog.

3. Start a Profitable Niche Blog

Forget all that AdSense crap that other bloggers have told you about, you can still make cool cash from blogging just by counseling people who need your advice on some issues (in your niche) as long as there are many people (traffic) that read need advice on that topic.

Bloggers that are already in the business are Jide the blogger of Ogbongeblog.com, and so on. The attention you give to it will determine how fast the blog will grow.

4. Make Your Videos/Audio/Podcast

Here it is about making multimedia materials on how to solve a particular problem too. StephenWithaPH of deep soul still makes big money from the videos/audio/podcast. He also makes money from his live seminars and uses radio mediums to sell and market this information.

Niche in Information Marketing in Nigeria

Here are 9 topics/niches you should sell if you want to start an information marketing business in Nigeria. These niche/topics sell like no man’s business.

1. How-to (tutorials)

2. Businesses/corporate

3. Cooking Tips

4. Make money guide – everyone wants to make more money

5. Exercise tips

6. Yoga – just rising

7. Health Tips

8. Design Tips

9. Digital marketing


You can make big money from information marketing and even be a millionaire on it if you are passionate about it. You just need to be sure this is what you want to do and be ready to learn, unlearn, and relearn. Are there any other points you feel I did not mention above? Please feel free to share with me below and do not forget to share this blog post with those you feel need help on this or need to know about this business.


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Ralph Bamigboye is an Accountant. He is the owner of TheInfoWorth.com, NetWorthVerse.com and Finance Naija YouTube Channel. He has helped many individuals to start their businesses and make money online. How can he help you?

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