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How to Become a YouTuber in Nigeria: Simple Steps



Become a YouTuber in Nigeria

YouTube business is a profitable business in Nigeria especially if you are going into it for the right reason. According to YouTube latest statistics, the video sharing platform has over 2.3 billion viewers (users) worldwide as of 2021.

Starting a YouTube channel in Nigeria is a business venture that will not just make you money but can also make you famous if you are able to stick to it for a long time. So in this article, I am going to teach you how you can become a successful YouTuber in Nigeria and possibly how you can start making money from in a short while.

As we all know there’s a difference between an average Youtuber and a professional Youtuber in Nigeria this is why this article stands out because I am not just going to teach you the basics on how to start a YouTube channel in Nigeria, we are going to dive in deeper.

I will be teaching you the most profitable niches you should venture into as a Youtuber, how to choose the perfect name for your youtube channel, how to use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to attract viewers, the right topics that will make brands partner with you, and finally how to make money as a Youtuber in Nigeria.

So if you are interested in all these, read this article to the end. You see starting a youtube channel is not as easy as you think. Many people think all they need is to get a camera, open a YouTube account with a Gmail account, and start uploading content (videos) but what they do not exactly know is it takes more than that.

After uploading videos regularly and they see that their viewership is not increasing likewise their subscriber count they then give up. This was what happened to a friend of mine that started his youtube channel not long ago. Despite the advice he got from me and other YouTubers in Nigeria, he somehow thought he knows everything and he failed wholefully.

The worst part of this is that he even borrowed money to buy the camera to shoot his videos. It is important for all of us to know it not easy to start a youtube channel in Nigeria and get famous. The only time this is possible is if you are already famous. If you are already famous or you are a celebrity in Nigeria your followers can increase your subscribers to thousand and these same followers can also increase your video views.

If you are not a celebrity you will need to put in more effort to become a professional YouTuber in Nigeria. So let us get down to business. How do you start a professional youtube channel or become a professional YouTuber in Nigeria as a teenager or young adult?

How to Become a YouTuber in Nigeria

Here are the steps on how to become a professional youtuber in Nigeria.

1. Choose a Profitable Niche

When it comes to starting a successful YouTube channel in Nigeria choosing a profitable niche is the first step. But how do you choose the best niche? This is the problem many Nigerians especially teenagers or young adults are battling with.

From experience in starting my own youtube channel and watching successful Nigerian YouTubers (some of which are my friends), I have discovered that there are about six niches.

The most common YouTube niche in Nigeria are:

1. Beauty and makeup niche

2. Travel niche

3. Lifestyle niche

4. Tech niche

5. Business niche

6. Personal Vlog niche

So you need to take your time to choose which niche is okay for you that you feel people will also be attracted to. How do know a profitable niche that people (traffic) will be attracted to? Well, it is by looking at the niche in question. How popular is it in Nigeria?

The sure way you can know this is to look at the Nigerian youtube channels in that niche, their subscribers, views, and interactions. If the niche has a lot of youtube subscribers then it is a pointer that the niche will be profitable for you too if you create your own youtube channel.

Another thing you should put into consideration asides from this is to make sure that any niche you are choosing is also choosing you. By this, I mean you should make sure the niche you are choosing for your youtube channel is very easy to talk about. Something that comes naturally to you to talk about, and your viewers also will want to listen to it. This is very important.

2. Decide Means of Video Content

When you look at YouTube you will realize that there are many means of content there (podcast content, info-graphics, visual videos, and more). There are video contents that are audio and pictures only yet they are getting thousands of views there are also video contents that are in video format (where you can see the speaker).

These contents are also receiving large views so we also have videos in animation formats made with doodly apps and more that are also receiving quite thousands of views. So you need to think about which of these means of video content will work for you because the idea that you must always use a camera the get thousands of views on YouTube is not always true.

For example, the most popular video on my YouTube channel is not even a video where you see me talking but more of a podcast with pictures. So you need to decide which of these means of making content will really work for your youtube channel.

If your viewers do not need to see your face then you do not need to show your face and if they really need to see your face regularly you need to show your face in your videos. Knowing which of these will determine how professional a Youtuber you are.

3. Choose a Channel Name

Choosing a unique YouTube channel name is very important if you want to be seen as a professional Youtuber in Nigeria. Think of your Youtube channel name as your brand. It tells a lot about how people perceive you. Your YouTube channel name can be generic like a name that is not related to you but what your channel is about or your channel name can be your real name it depends on what you want.

To create the best youtube channel name you need to craft three YouTube channel ID that you think is okay for you and choose the one that stands out for you among these three. If you seem confused you can ask any of your friends that you think is experienced in this to help you out.

4. Create your YouTube Channel

Now that you have gotten the perfect name for your youtube channel the next step will be for you to create your Youtube channel. There are many tutorials on how you can do this in Nigeria but I’m going to guide you on how to do it yourself without any technical skill. To create a YouTube channel all you need is a valid Gmail account.

To create your Youtube account go to YouTube.com and click ‘sign in’ at the top right corner of the page. Log in using your valid Gmail account. After doing this, head over to your Youtube settings, and at the top right corner of the screen, click on your ‘profile icon’ and then click ‘create a channel’.

After this, you will see the option to ‘create a personal channel’ or a channel using a business name or other names. The next step after this is to customize your channel under ‘channel customization’. Add all proper information like a link to your website or blog and your social media accounts.

5. Draft your First Ten YouTube Ideas

After creating your YouTube channel as a professional YouTuber in Nigeria, the next step for you will be to draft your first 10 YouTube videos. I call this drafting because these topic ideas will determine if your channel will start on good ground or not. Since you already know what your Youtube channel is about you need to draft 10 topic ideas around it.

If you ask me I will say you should draft five topics that you feel people that will want to watch and five topics proven by SEO is highly in demand. There are many online tools you can use to discover youtube topics you can talk about in your videos but I personally use Google – the ultimate search engine.

6. Start Uploading Video Contents

After drafting your first ten topics for your youtube channel the next step for you will be to start uploading your videos on YouTube.

A. Get a Camera and Laptop or Phone

To start this you need to get a camera and laptop or phone. If you can afford a camera buy one and if you cannot afford one do not pressure yourself. You can start shooting your videos first with your smartphone. Yes, there are some phones that have good cameras to shoot videos. The most important thing is not to start perfectly but to start somewhere.

B. Shoot Videos

When it is time to start shooting your videos for your youtube channel one of the things that will make you stand out as a professional YouTuber in Nigeria is how you shoot your videos. And the first step to shooting a better video is to first understand the camera in your hand.

Whether you are using a camera or the camera of your phone you need to understand the setting of that camera so that you can be able to shoot crispy clear videos. After you have put your camera in the right settings start shooting your YouTube videos.

C. Edit your Videos

Editing your videos after shooting is very important to prove yourself as a professional YouTuber in Nigeria. You need to cut out all your mistakes, tongue twisters, stammers, distraction, and more in all your videos. After this, you need to add your intro and outro to all the YouTube videos. If you do not know how to edit videos learn how to do it but do not seek perfection.

D. Upload your Videos

After editing your videos you can now start uploading them on YouTube weekly and start monitoring the engagement with the youtube community.

E. Add Channel art and Video Thumbnails

Adding youtube video thumbnails to your videos after each upload is also very important as it will attract viewers to click and watch your videos. Your channel art is also necessary as it will make your Youtube channel appealing.

7. Share your Youtube Videos

When you are just starting YouTubing as a professional YouTuber in Nigeria you need to share your videos often at least till you start getting the number of views you want to be getting on your YouTube videos. Share your videos with family and friends and share them with relevant groups you follow on Facebook and WhatsApp.

8. Understand your YouTube Analytics

Understanding your YouTube analytics will also determine how professional you are as a Nigerian YouTuber. YouTube Analytics will make you know the videos your viewers like watching and their engagements. This will guide you in letting you know the kinds of videos you should upload on your YouTube channel.

9. Making Money from YouTube

There are different ways you can make money from YouTube in Nigeria. You can make money in dollars through Google AdSense, brand collaborations, Sponsored videos, and more. However, it is as time goes when your viewership and subscribers increase you can start making money from your YouTube channel.


Becoming a YouTuber is easy today if you are consistent in posting videos and you share and encourage people to share your video too. However, the road to monetization takes time. You need to be patient enough.


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Ralph Bamigboye is an Accountant. He is the owner of TheInfoWorth.com, NetWorthVerse.com and Finance Naija YouTube Channel. He has helped many individuals to start their businesses and make money online. How can he help you?

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