How to Become a Commercial Model in Nigeria

How can you become a commercial model in Nigeria? This is perhaps the question every Nigerian who wants to be a model will be asking now especially models that want to go into commercial modeling. In today’s article, I will be teaching you how you can do this successfully.
I will be giving us the step by step guide on how you can become a model in Nigeria without knowing anyone and coming from a rich family. We all know it is not easy to achieve a successful modeling career in Nigeria and this is because Nigeria in itself is not an environment that encourages hustle but this does not mean it is totally unachievable.
You can become a successful model in Nigeria or in this case a successful commercial model if you are well informed and it is this information I want to expose to you now. So really, how can one become a successful commercial model in Nigeria?
I feel like before I go further in this topic, I need to first explain the meaning of a commercial model. Who is a commercial model or what is commercial modeling?
Who is a Commercial Model?
A commercial model is a person who could be a man or woman, a girl, or boy who uses his or her body to advertise a product or service for a company, business, or organization. This modeling can be done by using the face alone (face modeling), hands (hand modeling), feet (feet modeling), hair, lips, eyes, and so on.
When it comes to commercial modeling any body part of a model can be used. A commercial model can also be a brand ambassador (face of a brand) for a product or service. Sometimes this depends on how much bargaining power the model has and it depends on the modeling portfolio the model has been able to create for him or herself.
There are also a few times when social media influencers are also used as commercial models. This depends on the kind of persona they have been able to create on social media and from other sources.
How Much Do Nigerian Commercial Models Earn?
Commercial models in Nigeria earn on average #20,000 – #80,000 per photoshoot depending on the brand they are working for and the modeling agency they are representing. You can also earn more if you will be more than a model for the brand (company or business) that is becoming the face of the brand.
At this point, you will need to get a lawyer to draw up a contract with these brands before it can be official.
Types of Modeling in Nigeria
There are different types of modeling in Nigeria. These are:
1. Commercial Model
2. Fashion Model
3. Runway Model
4. Print Model
5. Promotional Model
6. Body Parts Model
7. Petite Model
8. Plus-size Model
9. Lingerie Model
10. Swimsuit Model
How to Become a Commercial Model in Nigeria
Steps on how to become a commercial model in Nigeria.
1. Fulfill the Modeling Requirements
This is the first step to become a commercial model in Nigeria. When it comes to becoming a commercial model in Nigeria you need to first know the kind of commercial model you want to be then the requirements to be that kind of commercial model – what it entails to be that commercial model.
Do you want to your type of commercial model to be based on doing video adverts for products and services or do you want to do image adverts – where you advertise products or services for goods and services through images? E.g. Your picture on billboards or the products themselves?
You really need to know which type of commercial modeling you want to go for by choosing the one that works for you the most then after that you can now work on meeting the requirements for that type of commercial modeling. These requirements often depend mostly on the modeling agency you register with or the brands in question.
2. Build Yourself Mentally and Physically
After knowing the requirements needed to become a commercial model in Nigeria the next step as a Nigerian model is to work on yourself. Here I mean working on yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically because the truth is modeling demands more than your looks. Yes, do not let anyone deceive you that all it takes is your looks.
It is way beyond what you look like but more of readiness in all ways. Mentally you need to ask yourself if you are really ready for the work at hand in terms of the stress (mental stress it demands) because you only get rest when you do not have appointments. Once you have appointments you will have a business schedule all through for photoshoots, video commercials, product promotions, and more.
This is why you should try to make sure you are 18 years old before going into commercial modeling in Nigeria. If you are not up to this age you need to get at an agent that can make your work easy for you. Emotionally you need to be prepared also by being expectant. Be successful first in or with your mind.
See yourself there first as a model first before you start chasing after modeling contracts in real life. Physically you need to prepare your body for commercial modeling as well especially if you have not established a modeling portfolio in Nigeria before. You need to work on your body (physique), skin especially other parts of your body you want to use for modeling.
If you want to do face modeling you need to work more on your face. Clear the acne, discoloration, or pimple first. If you want to be a hand model you will need to work on your hand too and on and so forth. You can visit a professional cosmetologist on this for more advice.
3. Create your Modeling Portfolio
Every popular model you know in the world today, especially in Nigeria started from somewhere so you also need to start from somewhere too. Do not wait until you get a big contract or a big job before you start because the truth is such offers may not come to you, especially as a newbie in the modeling industry.
Start with small or free jobs and gradually build your model portfolio. Allow your friends and family to use you to advertise their goods and services. Get experience and build your fame gradually till you can now go for the big contracts. As you are working for these brands, note the dates and the kind of jobs you did, type them, and create a portfolio for them in a single document.
In case you do not know a modeling portfolio is a modeling portfolio just like a CV (curriculum vitae) talking about your work history. If you know how to write a CV you should know how to write a portfolio for your modeling carrier.
4. Open an Instagram Account
Having a social media presence (online presence) is very important especially if you are a model or you are in the entertainment industry in Nigeria. It creates trust between you and the brands you want to work with both now and in the future. Social media especially Instagram also exposes you to more deals and endorsements.
You can also make money from your Instagram followership based on some little adverts you run there as well. To open an Instagram account you just need a valid email address. This valid email will be used for the confirmation and activation of your Instagram account.
After opening this Instagram account you can now start uploading your photoshoots with relevant hashtags related to modeling. Check out how to become an Instagram model and get paid.
5. Get your First Modeling Contract
After building your social media followership it is time to get your first modeling contract. By this, I mean getting your first official contract. If you do your online media presence well you should be able to get your first modeling contract there but if you do not get your first contract from there please do not beat yourself up.
The truth is your modeling contract can come from anywhere. When you finally get this modeling contract make sure you cross your T’s and you dot your I’s. By this, I mean getting legal counsel. If you feel you need a lawyer, get one. Ignorance is very expensive. You do not want to be sued for breaching a contract on any huge deal you sign.
6. Connect with Other Models
Yes, you also need to connect with other Models in Nigeria. They might not necessarily be the same type of Modeling you do but at least they are models like you, especially the ones that have been into modeling for a longer period of time. Connect with them and share your experiences together.
You never know they can also connect you with other popular models in Nigeria and get modeling contracts for you. Instagram hashtags can also expose you to these models. Instagram is a powerful tool for modeling business. Do not underestimate it.
7. Prepare for your Retirement
This might not be important to you especially if you are just starting out but it should not be ignored. Every model has the number of years they can only work in the modeling industry so you need to be prepared for your exit. You can start by investing some of your money into the real estate business in Nigeria because even when everything fails the real estate sector will not fail.
Commercial modeling in Nigeria or anywhere in the world can be demanding. As I said earlier, it demands your time, funds, network, and energy but it is a good carrier that can pay off in the end. In fact, most models now that have retired are not wishing that they could have done anything better because they are settled in everything, especially in their finances.
To be successful in any type of modeling carrier you just need to be versatile and outgoing. It might not come to you cheap especially as you are just starting out but trust me it will get better as time goes by. You can also diversify your modeling carrier.
It is not a must you become just a commercial model you can also do other kinds of modeling jobs that will always fetch you more money into your pocket.
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