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How to Promote Your Business on Facebook in Nigeria



Promote Business in Facebook in Nigeria

Are you a business owner living in Nigeria and you are looking for ways you can promote your business on Facebook without paying for ads? Read this article to the end. In today’s article, I will be sharing with us unique ways you can advertise your small business on your Facebook account or page that will increase your customer patronage which will, in turn, increase your sales.

Many people do not know the benefits of advertising on social media, especially on Facebook. They think Facebook is just for socializing – making friends and connecting but this is not entirely true. You can actually use Facebook to create leads for your product and increase sales – thereby not needing a physical location like a shop to sell.

Here are a few facts you do not know about Facebook when it comes to growing small businesses. Do you know that over 654 million people use Facebook on their mobile daily? Do you also know that the best time there is huge traffic on Facebook is between 1 PM – 3 PM midweek with Thursday and Friday having higher engagement? 

I bet you do not know. Can you see that yes, it is really true that Facebook can truly promote your business?

Top 10 Ways to Promote Your Business on Facebook in Nigeria

Here are quick ways you can to promote your business on Facebook in Nigeria.

1. Create a Facebook Business Page

The first step in promoting your business on Facebook is to create a Facebook business page but to do this successfully you have to first sign up on Facebook – creating a personal account. This process is simple. All you need is your email address or phone number and your password containing alphanumeric numbers. 

After this, you can go ahead to create your business page. The benefits of a business page might not be obvious now but they will be in the future. After creating your page you can invite your friends to be the first people that will like your page – creating your first set of followers.

The major reason for creating your own business page is to have a group where you can promote your products easily to customers that are really interested in buying your products.

For example; Let us say you are a car dealer and you have a business page or group where you have just 300 likes from people that are interested in buying cars you can increase your chances of getting buyers for your cars will be higher than when you just post randomly on your profile.

Do you know you can connect your WhatsApp number to your Facebook page? Yes, this means that when you post or advertise your products customers can chat with you directly to buy – another benefit of having a group or page.

2. Create an Attractive Bio Page

Whether you take it seriously or not your Facebook bio says a lot about you and your business. The way your bio looks on your Facebook profile and your business page or group should inform what friends and followers what business is all about. The first way to make your bio attractive is to use clear pictures for your profile picture and cover page.

After this, you need to fill in the empty fields rightly. Do not forget to drop different ways your customers can reach you outside of Facebook. You need to put in your phone number and WhatsApp number.

3. Use your Facebook Reels

Facebook reels are also useful when it comes to promoting your business on Facebook. Reels are short videos on Facebook. These videos are shown to all viewers however; the kind of videos shown depends on the content each viewer consumes.

To create videos on Facebook reels promoting your business you have to upload videos about your product or services that is not more than 60 seconds. If your business for example is about selling cars you can simply upload videos of the unique cars that you currently have in stock.

Or upload a video of how your customer feels when they just bought a car from you. Just make sure you upload an intriguing video since you just have 60 seconds to impress your viewers.

4. Use Facebook Stories 

If you have a Facebook account you will also have the features of Facebook stories. Facebook stories are also a powerful tool to promote your business on Facebook. The number of people you have as friends will determine the number of friends that will view your stories. Facebook stories are just like WhatsApp statuses.

It will only display for 20 seconds in length and last up to 25 hours. The best part about Facebook stories is that you can upload both images and videos on it, unlike Facebook reels that allow only short videos. As for how you can use Facebook stories to promote your business in Nigeria.

You just need to take a short video every day of your goods or services or whatever your business is about and upload it. Consistency matters when you upload content every day on your stories customer will be able to know the kind of business you are into and patronize you.

5. Post at the Right Time

When it comes to promoting your business on Facebook it is not just about posting anytime or any day you gave to post strategically – at specific times or days. When you do this it increases your chances of getting your post seen easily by your friends and followers.

For example, it is not good to post content on Facebook on Monday, especially in the mornings. This is because Monday is usually busy for many people as they have to go to work. To increase the chances of getting your post viewed and increase engagement it is best you post Wednesdays – Thursdays preferably from 1 pm – 4 pm.

6. Use Branding

Branding is very important especially when it comes to promoting your business online in Nigeria because it is the first thing people notice about your profile or page. I talked about this earlier. The way your profile pic, cover photo, and profile bio looks speaks a lot about your business and what you do.

The first step to getting your brand right online is to your page or group name easy to spell and can be remembered easily. The second step is to have a unique story about your business may be how you started or how you are able to get to where you are now. All these go a long way.

7. Write Outstanding Posts

Promoting your business on Facebook is not just about uploading images or videos about what you sell, it is about writing outstanding and compelling posts that go with it. This outstanding story does not have to be lies or overblown. It just has to be something that would amaze your customers and would-be customers.

For example; this post could be about giveaways or discounts or customers giving testimonies about your products. It is important you learn how to write jaw-dropping headlines in this aspect. I will recommend you watch some writing techniques on YouTube.

8. Post on Related Groups/Pages/Forums

Many business owners have ignored the current cost of Facebook ads in Nigeria solely because they are able to attract buyers for their products by posting on relevant pages asides from their own. There are pages and groups on Facebook. Many of these pages or groups have thousands of likes and they have high engagement.

You can promote your products on these pages for free. For example: if you are a car dealer you can advertise your cars on forums or groups where they sell advertise cars for free. If you are a poultry farmer and you sell eggs or chickens you can advertise on poultry groups or forums for free.

9. Post Clear Videos and Pictures

As a businessman or woman trying to promote your business on Facebook, you cannot afford to upload any pictures or videos just for the sake of posting or clout. You have to make sure the videos or images are clear enough so that your customers can be able to understand what your post is about. You also have to edit the pictures and videos adding the name of your business.

10. Use Business Hashtags

Hashtags are not that relevant on Facebook but it does not mean they are not used. If you are in doubt you can type in any hashtag on Facebook search and you will see that something related to that hashtag will pop up. So as a businessman, you need to use hashtags to promote your business on Facebook.

You can do that by adding hashtags to all your post before you upload them. You can also add some related hashtags to your Facebook group or page. This will go a long way when it comes to visibility and recognition.


As a man or woman trying to promote your goods and services on Facebook in Nigeria, you should not pay for ads to promote your business. This is because you have to manage your expenses in every way you can. These simple ways will go a long way for you. Are there other ways asides from the one I have mentioned on how to promote businesses online in Nigeria? Share with us in the comments below.


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Ralph Bamigboye is an Accountant. He is the owner of TheInfoWorth.com, NetWorthVerse.com and Finance Naija YouTube Channel. He has helped many individuals to start their businesses and make money online. How can he help you?

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