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10 Fast Ways to Make Money on Facebook in Nigeria



Make Money of FaceBook in Nigeria

Are you living in Nigeria and you are looking for ways you can make money online in Nigeria through Facebook today? Read this article to the end. In this article, I will be teaching you different fast ways on how to make money on Facebook in Nigeria. I will also be explaining how many Facebook followers you need to make money, whether Facebook is eligible for Facebook monetization, how to make money or monetize your Facebook page, and more.

Today, Facebook is one of the biggest social media apps if not the biggest but many Nigerians do not know. Many people think Facebook is just about making friends and socializing but this is not what the app is only made for. There are other things you can do on Facebook, especially using it to make money.

Before I start sharing these tips it is important for you to know that how much you make doing business or working on Facebook depends on how much effort you put into it. It also depends on your bargaining power and how well you continue to develop yourself as a person. As for how many followers you need to have before you can make money on Facebook?

It depends, if it is your personal profile on Facebook the number of friends or followers does not really matter. But if it is your Facebook page or group you will need at least 1,000 followers to be able to make money or monetize the page or group. So with this answer, I guess I have also answered if Nigeria is eligible for Facebook monetization.

If you have videos and you feel people will like you can also share them, you can share them on your Facebook page and make money from the video through ads.

How to Make Money on Facebook in Nigeria

What are the top ways on how you can make money on Facebook in Nigeria today?

1. Start Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest ways many people are now making on Facebook in Nigeria. Depending on the affiliate marketing program and its payout options you might need to open a PayPal account or Paystack account or even use your normal bank account. There are many affiliate marketing programs you can join today as a Nigerian both local and foreign.

For the locals you can join Jumia or Konga and for foreigners the most common one you can join is Amazon.  There are other popular affiliate marketing programs if you want better options. In case you do not know what affiliate marketing means it simply means the act of promoting goods or services online to convince patronage and earn commission.

After registering on these platforms you will be given a customized link to track your sales and promotion. Once you reach the required threshold which could be $100 or more you will be allowed to cash out.

2. Buy and Sell Pages and Groups

Many people do not know that this is how some Nigerians make money on Facebook. Just in case you have not heard of the buying and selling of Facebook pages to make fast money, I would like to say this kind of online business exists. So many individuals sell their pages or groups for different reasons.

Some even grow their pages just for the sole purpose of selling them. How much you sell your Facebook page or groups depends on how many likes or followers the group has. It also depends on the engagement of the group and how old the group is. There are groups on Facebook where people buy and sell groups.

You can search for these groups using the search bar on Facebook. For example, you can buy a group for #10,000, keep it for a while and sell it at a higher price as time goes by.

Note: it is very important that you are watchful when buying and selling groups on Facebook so that you will not be swindled off your money. It is best for you to use groups that are highly moderated to look for sellers.

3. Sell your Products and Services

This is another best way you can make money on Facebook in Nigeria. You can simply move your business from offline to online. The best part about this is that you do not need to rent a shop as long as you have space in your apartment. Whether it is clothes, shoes, phone accessories, or anything you can simply sell these products on Facebook to make money from orders.

To convince your Facebook friends to buy these products you can simply post pictures and videos of these products with a short post about their features. The more friends you have on Facebook the more your patronage will be high and the more money you will make.

The most popular items I have seen Nigerians sell on Facebook are clothing and laptops. These two items are lucrative to sell online.

4. Become a Facebook Influencer

Many people think you need to have a Facebook page or group before you can become a Facebook influencer but this is not true. If the number of friends you have on Facebook has reached a maximum limit of 5000 friends you are already a Facebook influencer. In fact, you are a celebrity no matter the quality of people you have as friends.

After you have reached the friends limit of 5000 you can open a page or group to keep increasing your followers. What are the benefits of becoming a Facebook Influencer? Well, the benefits are many but the major one we are looking at is how it is easy to convert fame to money. As a Facebook influencer, you can be paid to promote goods and services.

Another major benefit of being a Facebook influencer is that you will be given gifts regularly by advertisers just to promote them. These two benefits are called cash and kind benefits. How much you get paid as an influencer on Facebook depends on so many factors and your packaging. Read our article on how to become a social media influencer in Nigeria for more guidance.

5. Direct Traffic to Blogs and YouTube Channels

Another way you can make money on Facebook in Nigeria is to direct traffic to your blog or YouTube channel. If you have a page or individual account that has a good number of likes or friends you can use these friends or followers to direct traffic to your blog. 

If the blog is monetized with Google AdSense or any other ad-running program and you direct readers to the blog just by posting links of articles, when traffic increases your ad revenue will also increase. How much you make from this method depends on many factors like the countries your readers are from.

For example, if your readers are from the USA or any other advanced country you will certainly earn more. If you do not have a blog or YouTube channel you can still earn money directing traffic to other people’s blogs or YouTube channels.

6. Become a Page or Group Moderator

This is another way you can make money on Facebook in Nigeria. There are groups and pages on Facebook looking for moderators and admins. These moderators will be responsible for monitoring the group and making sure things run smoothly even when the owner is offline or busy. The group moderator will always check for spam comments or posts. 

He or she will check out for insults or verbal abuse in the group. The group moderator will also monitor the analytics of the group. You can apply as a moderator on any Facebook group or admin. These groups can be local or international groups. If it is a local group you will be paid in naira if it is an international group you will be paid in dollars via PayPal.

How much you are paid as a moderator or admin depends on many things. I.e. your experience, bargaining power, and more.

7. Invite People to Groups

Whether you are a Facebook influencer or not you can be paid to invite your friends or followers to groups or pages on Facebook. This is another way you can make money on Facebook. How much you are paid for each friend or follower depends on how much the group admin is willing to pay you. You can search for these groups using the Facebook search bar and start bargaining.

8. Monetize with Facebook Creator Studio

This way of making money on Facebook in Nigeria is basically for people that have groups or pages with huge followings or likes. You can make money with the Facebook creator studio monetization. Facebook creator studio is like Google AdSense for blogs and YouTube monetization.

For Facebook creator studio you can make money from the content you share on your Facebook group or page whether these content are videos or articles.

9. Use Facebook Marketplace 

This is another way businessmen and women can make money on Facebook. Just in case you do not know what Facebook marketplace is, it is simply a place on Facebook that brings buyers and sellers that are within the same place (geographical location) to meet for the purpose of business.

With the Facebook marketplace, you can share your product listings with people and get patronized.

10. Use Facebook Ads 

Although this is not part of promoting your business on Facebook for free. As a Nigerian who understands how Facebook ads work you can actually make money on Facebook by helping individual and small businesses create ads. I have a friend who does this for a living.

He helps people and businesses to create Facebook ads for their products and services increasing the conversation rate of their page and the patronage of their products. You too can start yours today.


There are many other ways you can make money on Facebook however, these ways I just listed and explained are the fastest common ways. Do you know any other ways to make money on Facebook? Probably you know how to make money using other techniques. You can share this with us in the comments below. Let us and others read it. Also, share this article with someone you feel might need it.


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Ralph Bamigboye is an Accountant. He is the owner of TheInfoWorth.com, NetWorthVerse.com and Finance Naija YouTube Channel. He has helped many individuals to start their businesses and make money online. How can he help you?

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