Business Ideas
How to Start Tutorial Center in Nigeria

Are you a teacher in Nigeria or you are passionate about teaching and you are looking for other ways you can make money as a teacher in Nigeria? This article is for you. In this article, I will be teaching you how you can make money by starting a home Lesson business in Nigeria or tutorial center business in Nigeria.
I will also be teaching you how can maximize your opportunities in your home lesson business to make more profits. I must say teaching in Nigeria is a lucrative job or should I say it is a profitable business in this case and I am not saying this because I am writing this article to entice you or anything.
I am saying this because it is the truth. I am also saying this because of what I have personally experienced as a teacher in Nigeria. So, yes, it is a lucrative business it is just the environment and the schools we have around us that is the problem. You see schools (private schools in Nigeria) making millions of turnover yearly (term in, term out) yet they pay their teachers and headteachers peanuts.
You see schools sacking teachers because they have the effrontery to demand better salaries. You see schools sacking teachers because one parent or the other does not like them and so on. What about school lessons? That is even worse. Let’s talk about it a bit.
You do 100% of the teaching, they just provide a suitable environment yet they take 60% sometimes even 70% or more and they pay you the rest on the basis of without them you cannot survive. This is why many teachers have now opted to start their own home lesson business in Nigeria as another option to make money from their profession (teaching).
So let us talk more about how you can start your home tutoring (lesson) business in Nigeria and make huge money from it yearly but first let us talk about the profitability in the business.
Is Tutorial Center Business Profitable?
Yes, tutorial center business is a profitable business in Nigeria for many reasons. These are: You make money preparing pupils or students for common entrance exams or any other professional exam.
1. Many Nigerian parents want their children to do exceeding well in their exams and they know they cannot do this by themselves because of their work so they employ teachers that can prepare their children for these exams. So if you are a teacher that is very good at Maths and English you can make good money by teaching these children in their houses and preparing them.
2. You make money preparing pupils or children for promotional exams. Yes, so many parents want their children to pass in flying colours in their promotional exam so they often hire teachers that will home tutor their children to prepare them for these exams. If you are able to negotiate with parents on this you should be able to make #30,000 – #40,000 per pupil or student monthly.
3. You make money helping children with learning difficulties. This is also very common in Nigeria. There are children who have difficulty in Mathematics or English or any other kind of learning difficulty. You can make money by helping these children at home by improving them. You can make up to #40,000 – #50,000 on this monthly depending on the child and the location in Nigeria.
I am sure this is enough to convince you that the tutorial center is a profitable business in Nigeria. Now that we have talked about that let us talk about different (common) types of tutorial center in Nigeria.
Types of Tutorial Business in Nigeria
There are 3 major kinds of home lesson businesses in Nigeria. These are:
1. Individual Home Tutoring
The individual home lesson is the most common type of home lesson business in Nigeria. This is when you concentrate on teaching one child alone. You visit his or her house and you teach this child based on what you agreed with his or her parent.
This could be teaching the child Mathematics alone or Maths and English or Maths, English, verbal reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. This kind of home lesson does not require much manpower but may not pay as much as a group home lesson or tutoring centre business.
2. Group Home Tutoring
This is a kind of home lesson business in Nigeria where you teach a group of pupils at a go. This is more like killing 2 birds with a stone. These groups of pupils are mostly from a family but are often in different classes. Parents often opt for this kind of home lesson to reduce how much they pay as salaries to teachers.
They rather employ one teacher to teach all their children than employ one teacher per child. If they have 3 children that need home tutoring they will employ one teacher to teach all the children rather than employ one teacher for each of their children.
3. Tutoring Center Business
In tutoring center business, you usually have a location (a center) where all children come to learn a particular subject or all subjects. A tutoring center business is just like running a standard school business. The only difference is your pupils or students will not be wearing school uniforms to come to your centre.
Now, that we have talked about the different types of home lesson businesses in Nigeria, let us move on to how start your own home lesson business in Nigeria.
How to Start a Tutorial Center in Nigeria
Steps on how to start a tutorial center business in Nigeria.
1. Know your Strengths and Weaknesses
I usually tell my fellow teachers and wanna-be teachers this. As a teacher, the fact that you are educated and you are good with children does not mean you know everything or you will be successful as a teacher. Asides from this, there will always be some subjects that are not your strong suit.
You should be able to recognize this without feeling bad as a teacher. Yes, you do not need to feel bad about it because even lecturers do not know everything. Professors also don’t know everything which is why they specialize in a few courses. So you really need to know your Strengths – the subjects you are good at and your weakness – the subjects you are not good at.
Knowing this set you apart from other kinds of teachers in the teaching profession (education field and otherwise). It also makes you know how to bargain well with parents and makes your pupils or students do well.
Take for example, you have discovered you are very good in Mathematics and when you teach children they also do well as in comparison to the English language or any other subjects you can base your home tutoring on Mathematics and charge more because of your specialization in Mathematics.
2. Connect with Parents and Tutors
After knowing your strengths and Weaknesses the next step for you is to connect with parents, other teachers, and register online as a tutor. You need to connect with parents because they can introduce you to other parents that need home lessons for their children. You need to connect with other teachers because they can also introduce you to parents who need your tutoring services.
From my teaching experience so far I can say that about 90% of the home lesson offers I have gotten are always from my fellow teachers or a parent introducing me to other parents. After doing these 2, to increase your chances of getting more home lesson jobs in your area you can also register with online tutoring services in Nigeria.
3. Negotiating Tutoring Fees with Parents
When it comes to negotiating salaries with parents for your home lesson or tutoring business you have to be swift and be able to determine how much you will charge per pupil or group of pupils. If you are not able to do this parents will take the lead and trust me when they do the outcome does not turn out well.
These are a few tips that will help you charge more salaries for home lesson business in Nigeria.
A. Know what the parents want
You always have a higher advantage when you can at least get what the parents exactly want – what they want to achieve out of the home lesson. I mentioned some of this earlier. It is either they want their children to pass their promotional exams or common entrance exams or anything.
You need to be able to get this at a glance and know home much you will charge for salaries.
B. Grade the Parent
Another thing that can help you charge more for your home lesson business in Nigeria is to grade the parent upon your first time meeting them. Sometimes you can tell if a parent is rich just by what they wear or what they drive.
For example, a parent driving a car of #6M should be able to afford to pay #40,000 – #60,000 as salaries for his or her child’s home lessons. If they also live in a good house whether it is rented or owned you can grade them based on this too.
C. Give Academic Testimonies
Testimonies are very important when it comes to making parents pay more for home lessons. You can tell parents about some kids you have taught in the past that are now doing well in their schools. This will ginger them to pay more in case they are a bit hesitant.
When you are telling them about your testimonies it is important that you do not come from a place of pride but a place of humility if they detect that you are coming from a place of pride some of them might not employ you. Give them just one success story that you believe will convince them and use it as a pointer to charge more.
D. Specialize in your Home Lesson Business
I mentioned this earlier you can also specialize in your home lesson business to make more money. If you are good at the English Language you can specialize in teaching children who are finding difficulties in English and if you are good at Mathematics you can specialize in teaching Maths alone to children who are weak in Maths.
Specialization helps you to concentrate more on your strength and help you to make more money from your strength. Enough on the tips to charge more for home lessons let’s move on to other steps in this article.
4. Doing Multiple Home Lessons
Doing multiple home lessons will help you make more profits from your home lesson business. For example, let’s say you are teaching a child for one hour from 4 PM – 5 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in a week. You can teach another child from 6 PM – 7 PM on those same days and look for other pupils or groups of pupils you can teach Tuesdays and Thursdays.
If you are able to bargain well with the parents while sealing these contracts I estimated that you will be making up to #100,000 – #200,000 per month.
5. Profits in Tutorial Business
When we talk about increasing more profits in a business it is majorly about increasing sales – in this case, teaching services and reducing expenses. Well, here are a few times I have applied that have worked for me that I also believe will also work for you too if you apply it.
A. Do home lessons in the same location
For example, if your home lesson is in Lekki make sure you get your other home lessons in Lekki too, doing this will reduce home much you spend on transport and will in turn increase your profits.
B. Do Group Home Lesson
Instead of teaching one pupil at a go, it is advisable to do group home lessons. Like I said earlier this is like killing 2 birds with one stone.
C. Do Home Lessons in Good Areas
It is no doubt that there are areas that are lucrative when it comes to doing home lessons in Nigeria. For example, Lekki in Lagos is very profitable for teachers who are in Lagos that really want to make big profits from home lessons or tutoring business.
6. Making Money from Home Lesson Business
Asides from teaching Mathematics and English for home lessons there are other ways you can make money from home lesson business or tutorial centre business in Nigeria.
1. If you have a tutoring center you can make money by doing summer classes for your new and old pupils or students.
2. If you own a tutoring center you can also make more money from your center by teaching your pupils or students sports or games. Yes, there are parents that want to teach their children sports. They want their children to be a professional in one sport or the other. You can make money by teaching these children these sports.
3. Teaching art and crafts. You can also make more money as a tutorial center owner or home lesson teacher in Nigeria by teaching your pupils or students arts and crafts because many parents now want their children to be able to draw and paint.
Home Lesson business or tutorial centre business is a profitable business if you are passionate about teaching and you are smart enough to be able to bargain well. You can use the business to pay your house rent, buy a car, or build a house. You just need to ignore unimportant expenses and focus on what you want to achieve yearly. I wish you success in your teaching career. Stay tuned to the blog for more updates.
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