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Farming Businesses

How to Start Dog Breeding Business in Nigeria



Dog Breeding Business in Nigeria

Are you thinking of starting a dog business in Nigeria? And you want to know how much capital is needed to start a dog business or dog farming, how profitable the business is, and more? Read this article to the end. In this article, I am going to teach you how you can become a successful dog breeder in Nigeria.

This will in turn make your dog breeding business in your local area more profitable than you can imagine. Do you know as a dog breeder in Nigeria you can make up to #4 million or more yearly? Read this article to the end. I am going to teach you how you can achieve this.

The dog breeding business can be a lucrative business in Nigeria if you love dogs and you have enough space in your house to keep dogs. However, this is not all that is needed. There are other things you need in your dog breeding business. You need to buy dog foods, dog vaccines (immunization), dog cages (kennels), and more. I will talk about this more as we move on in the article.

Is Dog Business Profitable?

There are many reasons why the dog business is a profitable business in Nigeria. Asides from it being man’s best friend, the dog business is lucrative because many Nigerians also buy it for security reasons. There is a saying that humans may betray you when it comes to protecting you but dogs can never betray you.

This is true. As long as you show them love and you feed them well regularly your dogs will always guard you and your properties. The second reason why dog farming is a profitable business in Nigeria is that many Nigerians buy them for pet purposes. So many people that live alone in Nigeria need company, these people often buy dogs to avoid boredom and loneliness.

The third reason why the dog breeding business is a profitable business in Nigeria is that many children want to buy and own dogs. It is said that at least 7 out of 10 children wish they could own pets. And 5 out of these 7 children will likely buy and own dogs. Enough of knowing why the dog breeding business is profitable in Nigeria.

Let’s talk about the capital needed to start a dog breeding business also known as dog farming in Nigeria.

Capital Needed to Start Dog Business

The capital needed to start a successful dog breeding business in Nigeria varies. If you are going into the rearing of local dogs you might not need much capital as much as if you are going into the rearing of foreign or imported dogs. Going into the rearing of foreign or imported dogs is capital intensive most times it runs into millions of naira.

To start an imported foreign dog business you will a minimum capital of #1M to a maximum capital of #3M. And to start a dog business of local dogs you will need a minimum capital of #40,000 – #100,000 depending on the local breed. It is easy to rear local dogs in Nigeria than to rear foreign dogs for sale.

Common Dog Breeds in Nigeria

There are different dog breeds in Nigeria. However, these are the most lucrative dog breeds. Check out the list.

1. Boerboel

2. German shepherd

3. Bullmastiff

4. Tibetan mastiff

5. Neapolitan mastiff

6. Rottweiler

7. American pitbull

8. Chow chow

9. Bulldog

10. Lhasa Apso

How to Start Dog Breeding Business in Nigeria

Here is what you need to know about starting a dog breeding business in Nigeria.

1. Learn How to Raise Dogs

When it comes to starting a business like this, it is important you first learn how to take care of dogs. Dogs do not talk and because of this, they are unable to express themselves when they are not feeling fine. This is why you need to learn how to take care of dogs first so that when they are sick you can be able to detect this easily.

Also, when you know how to take care of dogs you will know when they are due for their vaccines and their character traits because every dog breed has its character traits – what makes them different. I usually tell those that want to go into the dog breeding business to buy a dog first and let it live with them at least for 6 months before saying they want to go into the dog breeding business.

Because the truth is many people think they can start and manage a dog breeding business. But the truth is they may not be able to cope. Dogs are energetic animals, especially the big ones. So if you are not able to keep up (manage and take care) with the one you will not be able to handle many of them when you finally start your dog breeding business.

2. Write a Business Plan

If you feel you do not need a dog breeding business plan you need to write a business plan for your dog business. Your dog business plan will help you know so many things about dog farming. It will let you know how to manage your dog business, and how to make profits from your dog breeding business.

Writing a dog business plan is the surest way to avoid unnecessary losses in your dog breeding business. You can reach out to us via [email protected] if you need a professional to write it for a stipulated amount.

3. Do your Market Survey

It is one thing to start a business based on guesses and it’s another thing to be sure if there is really a market demand for that business. This is why a market survey is important. You need to do your market survey to be sure that the dog business you want to start is really a need in the state of the area you are in.

You need to know which type of dog business is profitable in the area where you plan to set up your dog breeding business. Your market survey will let you know if it is the rearing of local dogs that is profitable in your area or the rearing of imported dogs. All these your market survey will do for you.

4. Get the Required Capital

Capital is needed to start a dog breeding business in Nigeria whether you are going into the breeding of local dogs or foreign dogs. Like I said you need capital to buy equipment like dog chains, dog food, dog vaccines, and more. You need capital to buy your first set of dogs (parent stock). The capital will also be needed for the services of a vet.

Yes, getting a vet will go a long way in your dog breeding business. And so for how to get the capital it is not a must to start big if the capital is much for you. You can simply start small. Start with one male dog and two female dogs and grow your dog breeding business from there.

5. Build Kennels and Buy Dogs

After getting the capital needed to start your dog breeding business the next step will be to buy all the equipment you needed to start your dog business. Buy or build iron cages in your compound and install other important equipment. After doing this you can now proceed to buy your dog breeds to start rearing them.

Once they are due for mating, start mating them immediately so that they can reproduce fast.

6. Start Breeding and Selling Puppies

Breeding dogs is easy and it is not easy. It is easy in the sense that the dogs can mate without your support. It is not easy when the dogs start producing young ones because at this time you need to pay the mother dogs and puppies more attention. When your female dogs start giving birth to puppies this is the time you will start making profits from your dog breeding business.

To start making fast profits you can first try selling your dogs to family and friends. After doing this, they will start introducing you to their friends who like dogs to buy dogs from you. You can also give commission to people who bring customers to you to motivate them to keep bringing customers.

These are the average price you can sell your puppies to avoid loss in your dog breeding business.

Common Dog Breeds in Nigeria and Their Prices

Neapolitan Mastiff

Male puppy – N420,000

Female puppy – N480,000

Bull Mastiff

Male puppy – N420,000

Female puppy – N480,000


Male puppy – N480,000

Female puppy – N550,000

German Shepherd

Male Alsatian puppy – N420,000

Female Alsatian puppy – N500,000


Male puppy – N450,000

Female puppy – N480,000


Male puppy – N480,000

Female puppy – N480,000


Male puppy – N480,000

Female puppy – N400,000


Male puppy – N470,000

Female puppy – N490,000


Male puppy – N400,000

Female puppy – N470,000


The dog breeding business is a lucrative business if you know how to market and keep your customers. You can also continue to make profits from the business by producing good dog breeds that have taken all their vaccines and do not fall sick easily. However, in the case of a disease outbreak, you can always call a vet immediately before you start losing your dogs.


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Ralph Bamigboye is an Accountant. He is the owner of TheInfoWorth.com, NetWorthVerse.com and Finance Naija YouTube Channel. He has helped many individuals to start their businesses and make money online. How can he help you?

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