5 Things Ralph Bamigboye is Extremely Weak At

I know the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of me is a guy with a perfect life. After all, he has the perfect face, the perfect height, and…
What else can he ask for?
Well, I wish this is entirely true. I mean, I want it to be true but unfortunately, it’s not.
I guess that’s why he gave some of us the fine faces so that we can be able to show that we can handle anything that comes our way just by giving a simple smile. Alert: Ignore the last sentence you just read, it is not true.
Anyways, I have the looks (I know I have the looks) even though some people say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But still, my life hasn’t been perfect.
What can I say? Where can I start?
I think I’ve said so much about myself in my first blog post on Ralph Bamigboye, about how my journey started and how my journey to Self-discovery and Purpose started (You can read it here just in case you’ve missed it on the blog) but it’s not enough.
OK, before I start on this part of my life, talking about my flaws, I need you to do something, promise me something.
Promise me that after reading this awkward part of me you’ll not look at me with one eye or meet me on the street and look at me like I’ve developed 2 heads.
Please promise me you won’t do this.
Clears throat! Continues talking…
Here Are 5 Things Ralph Bamigboye Extremely Bad At
1. Decisions Making
They say some habits die hard. Well, I guess this is one of them. I have noticed this for a long time now that I always take too long before making decisions when I need to make decisions. Well, you can say this is normal for some but I blame this on being too careful.
I say this because when it even comes to simple decisions like choosing clothes I’ll wear to work the next day or the things I’m should do the next day, I still do the same thing. Take too long to decide sometimes till the day comes.
In my life, I must say, I have also delayed many relationships all on the grounds of this same indecisiveness and people had to move on.
The other day it took me almost forever to buy a shoe, shoe that I needed.
I mean who spends 3 months before deciding to buy a shoe?
Anyways, this is Ralph for you.
Just in case you’re wondering how worse this is. This post came in late too because I took too long deciding if I should share it or not.
If you have solutions to these problems I’ll be all ears.
2. Time For Fun
Yeah! I’m the king of fun. Trust me, when I say this. I love fun and I can tell you for free that I love to have fun with the people I love but my kryptonite is creating time for it or should I say leaving time for it.
I see fun as the last option and I know this shouldn’t be.
Even when I’m less busy, I still find myself doing something. It’s like a hand that never stops working. I think the quote “always keep yourself busy” have done its work on me by keeping me busy all through the day and even through the year.
If I’m not reading books, I’m reading a blog. If I’m not reading a blog, I’m working. If I’m not working, I’m blogging probably putting some codes in order on the blog. If I’m not doing that I’m writing a blog post. If I’m not doing that I’m doing business, probably getting wears for my customers (yes, I sell wears also).
If I’m not doing that I’m in church. If I’m not in church, probably at home, I’m doing chores. Sorry for all these ifs but that’s just the way it is.
“Using my serious tone” I know all this work is not an excuse because Richard Branson, Aliko Dangote and Mark Zuckerberg are busier than me and they still find time for their family and friends.
Something just occurred to me now. How am I going to cope after settling down with the girl of my dreams and after she gives me 5 kids?
3. Asking After People, My Family, and Friends
This is also one part of my life I need to work on as fast as possible in fact before today runs out or I should I say before this month runs off, that’s if help doesn’t come on time. You know, I never knew this part of my life until she opened my eyes to it and that is one of the reasons why I’ve not forgotten her till today. I mean my ex-girlfriend.
At first, when she told me then, I thought she was probably saying it because I was not giving her enough attention but all that she said turned out to be true when I realised that my family and friends were also complaining about the same thing.
Just in case you’ve what I’ve been trying to say so far, here is it AgidigbaMEN readers…
I’m extremely weak at asking after people.
You know that calling your friends once in a while to ask how they are doing. Yes! I’m slacking on it. And you know the funny thing? I also do it to my relatives.
It’s so bad that when I now remember them my family and friends and I put a call to them, some of them just ignore my calls or messages. And tell me they’ll continue to do this till I sit up. Meaning: they continue to avoid me until I change.
Still working on this part of me and I’ll love your contributions if you used to do this and you found solutions to it, please.
4. Body Grooming
Don’t be deceived by my glowing skin, yes, because sometimes I don’t like to take baths. Not because of anything important but because taking baths just bores me sometimes. If I’m at home for 3 days, I might not take my bath for 2 days out of those 3.
“Smiling as I’m writing this now.” Maybe this will change when I get married and my wife says I won’t eat breakfast until I have my bath.
On trimming of beards: Do you know there was a time I didn’t have beards? Yes! And in those days I rubbed methylated spirit and all sorts on my chicks so that they could grow fast. Now, it’s the opposite and I can’t keep up.
My beards are growing too fast that I can’t catch up. So what I do now is I leave it till I’m probably ready to barb my hair.
The Good Side:
Well, the good side is it looks good on me. I can go without trimming my beards for weeks and still I’ll still catch your fancy when you see me.
5. Putting Room In Other
Is it just me here?
Anyone here agrees with me that putting a room in order is hard work?
because I’m bad at putting rooms in other… You can call it laziness. No probs! But that’s me for you. Anyways, let me stop here. My eyes are tired.
By the way, please share with me things you are bad at. I need to hear them so that I won’t feel alone.
That’s all in this article. As usual, let me know if I missed any part of this article. Also, let me know if there are topics you want me to write about on the blog or talk about on our YouTube Channel or maybe our podcast.
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