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Farming Businesses

How to Start Pig Farming in Nigeria: Detailed Guide



Pig Farming in Nigeria

If you do not want to go into vegetable farming and you are thinking of rearing animals for profit, you should consider starting a pig farm. If you would like to go into this business read this article to the end. In today’s article, I will be sharing with you everything you need to know about starting a pig farm in a country like Nigeria and how to sell your pigs easily to make a profit.

Is Pig Farming Profitable?

Pig farming is one of the most lucrative farming businesses in Nigeria because the majority of Nigerians love pork and they eat it regularly. Many eat meat just like suya. They roast the meat to consume it with beer. Many local beer parlour businesses and restaurant businesses in Nigeria also buy pork asides from the regular bush meat they provide for their customers.

Pig farming is considered profitable because of the rate at which pigs give birth and their gestation period. You can start with two female pigs and one male pig and at the end of the year have almost 50 or more than 50 pigs on your farm.

Capital Needed to Start Pig Farming

Starting a pig farming business in Nigeria is not easy. You need lots of money especially if you want to raise your pigs the right way by using the right feeds and care. To start a small pig farm that will not dig a hole in your pocket, you need to start small and grow it gradually. 

You can start with two already pregnant pigs and one male pig. Or simply buy 5 weaners. One male weaner and four female weaners. The capital needed to start a pig farm based on this estimation will cost you #2,000,000. You will need to buy a farm, build a shed and buy feeds that your pigs will feed on for 6 months.

Things Needed to Start a Pig Farm

1. Capital

The first thing you need when starting a pig farm is capital. You need money to be able to acquire farmland, feed, and pigs. You also need money to hire staff. Yes, if your farm is going to be a big farm you need to hire and pay workers to manage the farm for you.

2. Farm

You need farmland. This farmland will be where your pigs will be. On the farm, you will need to build a shed. This will protect your pigs from the sun’s rays and rain. Any kind of farm is ok for pug farming.

3. Feeds

What differentiates your pig farm from any other pig farm is the kind of feed you feed your pigs. Feeding your pigs with quality foods will make them grow fast and reproduce on time.

4. Pigs

The quality of pigs you will get will determine the profits you will make in your pig farming business. There are different breeds of pigs. However, the local pigs in Nigeria are still the best and widely sought after as they have a unique taste. 

How to Start Pig Farming in Nigeria

The steps below should be followed to start a pig farm in Nigeria.

1. Conduct a Market Survey

The first step to starting a pig farm in Nigeria is to conduct your market survey. Doing this exposes so many things about pig farming in Nigeria. It lets you know the demand for pigs in your area. How consumers eat their pork. Whether they like to buy it raw or they like to buy it already roasted.

Do they like to eat it as snacks or do they like it in their soup? All this information you will get when you conduct a survey about pork in the area before starting your farm.

We have written an article on how to conduct market surveys for new and old businesses. You should read it for more guidance about it.

2. Get your Required Capital

After conducting your market survey, the next step for you will be to get the capital needed to start your farm. As I explained earlier, if you are really serious about this business you need at least #2,000,000 to start. Although it depends, it might not cost up to this if you already have some things in place like farmland.

Since this is the most expensive thing you need, the required capital can reduce to #1,000,000. If you do not have up to this capital and you need funding. You should read our guide on how to get funding for your business in Nigeria. This article will show you many options you have as regards where to get money to start your farm.

3. Write your Business Plan

As a newbie starting a new business or starting your first business, you cannot underestimate the power of a business plan. With a business plan, it is almost impossible to fail in a business despite the fact that it is your first time. This is because the business plan exposes you to many things hidden.

Inside the business plan, you will also have your market survey done. If you have the time you need to write a business plan before venturing into this farming business. If you do not have the time you can hire a professional to write a business plan for you. We write business plans too just in case you are thinking too much.

If you are ready you can reach out to us via our email: [email protected] to write one for you at a discounted price.

4. Register your Farm Business

Until your farm is registered in Nigeria under the CAC it is not considered a legal entity. To register your farm you need a business name among other details. We have written an article on how to register your business name in Nigeria. You should read it for more details. 

5. Get a Farmland

Unlike the popular belief that pigs are dirty animals, this is not entirely true. If you keep your pigs in a dirty environment they will adapt to it and if you keep them in a clean environment they will also adapt to it. Any land can be used to rear pigs. Whether dry or swampy land, the land can be used.

However, to reduce stress and foul odors it is best you buy dry land for your farm. After getting your land you will need to fence it to protect your pigs from wild animals and thieves. You can use wired fencing instead of block fencing for this to reduce cost.

6. Build Shelter and Buy Feeds

There are different types of shelters you can build for your pigs. There are cheap ones and there are expensive ones. There are the ones that make cleaning easy for you and there are the ones that make cleaning hard for you. The kind of shed you can build for your pigs depends on how much you have.

To build a shed you will need the services of a bricklayer and a carpenter. There are feeds made specially for pigs but if you do not have access to this you can feed them scraps gotten from farms around you.

7. Buy Pigs for Raising

When you are ready to buy your pigs you need to buy them from a reputable pig farmer not far from you. How much you buy the pigs depends on the breed, their size, and age. Do not forget the ratio at which I explained you should buy the pigs. Make sure the pigs you bought are also well-treated and well-immunized.

If this is done well they will not fall ill easily and they will produce healthy young ones. For feeding, you need to feed your pigs twice daily. Make sure they eat well. Well-fed pigs are happy pigs. 

8. Selling Pigs for Raising or Meat

Do not wait till your pigs are ready for harvest before you start advertising your pigs to prospective customers. Start informing people of your business so that when they are due it will be easy for you to sell your pigs. To keep the farm running successfully you need to keep your parent stock. This stock will keep breeding piglets for you until they can no longer give birth.


Pig farming in Nigeria is a lucrative business in Nigeria because there is a huge market for it. But to make sure you do not encounter loss, you must keep the environment of your pigs clean and treat them immediately when you discover illnesses. 


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Ralph Bamigboye is an Accountant. He is the owner of TheInfoWorth.com, NetWorthVerse.com and Finance Naija YouTube Channel. He has helped many individuals to start their businesses and make money online. How can he help you?

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